Let us be grateful to people who make us happy;
Marcel Proust, French intellectual, author, and critic
they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.

Our Krafting Konnections group is off to a great start after our two February meetings. We’ve come together to create whatever we’re inspired to make, using our varied crafting talents. Our other purpose is to stay connected, battle loneliness, encourage and support one another to form those blossoms.
The 9” x 9” squares shown above will be sent to a group known as Chemo Crochet. When received, they will be sewn into blankets for adults and children who are on chemotherapy. The patients are often cold, and the blankets provide warmth and comfort. Because the knit or crocheted squares are made by different people, then assembled by another person, shipped to their destination by others, many people are involved in the creation of each blanket. Therefore, while being a very practical gift, it also sends the message that many people are thinking of the recipient.

The fleece blankets shown above will be given to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at Capital Health Hospital, Hopewell, NJ. When babies are born premature or with ailments requiring specialized care, they are placed in isolettes (incubators). Fleece blankets like these are draped over the isolettes to create a more womb-like environment.
Premature babies have very thin eyelids, which prevent them from being able to shut out the bright lights needed by the doctors and nurses while caring for these newborns. The dim interior created by the blankets, calms the babies and enables them to sleep. The blankets are a gift given to the family to be taken home when they are discharged. If the baby dies, sometimes the family wraps their child in the blanket for burial or keeps it as a treasured memento.

The crocheted blanket and two fleece blankets above may be given to hospital or hospice patients nearby. They may also be contributed to the Sisters of St Basil the Great, a Ukrainian order, which is settling Ukrainian refugees in our area. All winter, our crafters as well as the Connect-the-Dots Crafting Group have been making afghans, fleece blankets, scarves, hats, and collecting other items needed by these families to help welcome them.
So, until spring brings those blossoms we all look forward to, we’ll stay busy and purposeful sharing the work of our hands, and hopefully spreading happiness.