A Powerful Guide To Creating a Healing Environment for Your Loved One, Family Member, or Friend

No one is prepared to hear, “It’s malignant.” I know I wasn’t. Harry Portman was known fondly by many names and terms of endearment. To me, he was my “Father-in-Love.” While the oncologist explained to my husband the ramifications of his disease, I had no idea what the next nine months would bring. The silver lining from this sad chapter in our lives was the birth of the Healing Environments Program concept. Ideas emerged from my deep desire to honor my Father-in-Love’s battle with brain cancer and the enhancements I had made to his hospital room.
The Healing Environments Program evolved from the tiny seeds of an idea to a fully blooming reality due to my priceless time with Harry, also known as Sabah, and my father-in-love. And by extension, those involved in the program were able to positively impact the lives of many others striving to regain their health or facing their final journey.
My dear Sabah, I am deeply touched to be able to share your story and thus honor your life, your valiant struggle, and your precious memory.
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