People rarely succeed at anything unless they have fun doing it.
Dale Carnegie, American writer, lecturer, and inspirational speaker
The Krafting Konnections crafters certainly did have fun at our last meeting! We shared stories, kept our hands and minds busy, and we laughed…a lot, enjoying each other’s company.

These ladies were busy creating crochet blankets, scarves, tying fleece blankets, and completing butterfly bookmarks. (more about those below)

Working on a baby cap and another fleece blanket

The fleece blankets shown will be added to others along with baby hats and blankets to be delivered to the Neonatal Intensive Care Nursery and Newborn Nursery at Capital Health Hospital in Hopewell, NJ.

These butterfly bookmarks will be given to our hosts, the Village Library of Wrightstown. The library holds a large book sale in May to raise funds for their facility, and the special community programs they offer. The bookmarks will be available for a donation to help their cause. We’re definitely succeeding with our crafts, providing connection to our members, and having fun in the process.