An angel here on earth, our beloved Ann Kintzel is now an angel above. Annie passed to her rest Tuesday evening, January 17th, following a brief illness. She was 98 years young and an incredible inspiration to us all.
Annie volunteered at St Mary Medical Center for approximately 20 years, enjoying her work comforting and helping families whose loved ones were undergoing surgery. When crafters involved in the Healing Environments Program at St Mary started tying fleece blankets for veteran patients, Annie would cut and tie 5-6 blankets during her volunteer sessions. She joyfully contributed more than 14,000 hours doing work she loved and benefitting others. And on Sundays, she taught preschool Sunday School at Titusville Presbyterian Church for 50 years!
Since about 2017, Annie has also made the fleece blankets as an active member of the local compassionate crafting group known as Connect-the-DOTS, led by Carol Fenton in honor of her mother, Dot. This group of crafters sews, knits, and crochets items of comfort delivered to area hospitals such as the pediatric ICUs at CHOP and Jefferson and military blankets to the VA Hospital. St Mary patients received crocheted afghans as well as military blankets for the Veterans Appreciation Program. Annie tied her last blanket the week before Christmas.

Crocheted and knit blankets are delivered to Abington Hospice. Recently, these crafters have contributed untold hours, creating hundreds of articles for Ukrainian refugees settling in our area. Warm blankets, scarves, hats, mittens and gloves, and other clothing and food have all been donated.
Annie was a part of it all! As Carol Fenton said, “She never stopped! She inspired us all, just doing her best for others in her quiet, humble way.”
To know her was to love her…and we did! Rest in peace, Dear Friend.